- Abu Dhabi (United Arab Emirates : Emirate)
→ Abu Zaby (United Arab Emirates : Emirate)
- Abu Zaby (United Arab Emirates: Emirate)
Assigned code: [a-ts] United Arab Emirates UF Abu Dhabi (United Arab Emirates : Emirate)
- Abyssinia
→ Ethiopia
- A.C.T.
→ Australian Capital Territory
- Açores
→ Azores
- Adamawa (Emirate)
Assigned code: [f-cm] Cameroon [f-nr] Nigeria
- Aden
[Coded [a-ys] (Yemen (People's Democratic Republic) before Oct. 1992] Assigned code: [a-ye] Yemen
- Aden (Protectorate)
[Coded [a-ys] (Yemen (People's Democratic Republic) before Oct. 1992] Assigned code: [a-ye] Yemen
- Aden, Gulf of
Assigned code: [mr] Red Sea UF Gulf of Aden
- Admiralty Islands (Papua New Guinea)
Assigned code: [a-pp] Papua New Guinea
- Adriatic Sea
Assigned code: [mm] Mediterranean Sea
- Advanced countries
→ Developed countries
- Aegean Islands (Greece and Turkey)
Assigned code: [e-gr] Greece [a-tu] Turkey UF Islands of the Aegean
- Aegean Sea
Assigned code: [e-gr] Greece [a-tu] Turkey
- Afars and Issas, French Territory of the
→ Djibouti
- Afghanistan [a-af]
- Africa [f]
- Africa, Central [fc]
UF Central Africa
- Africa, East
Assigned code: [fe] Africa, Eastern UF British East Africa East Africa
- Africa, Eastern [fe]
UF Eastern Africa
- Africa, Equatorial
→ Africa, French-speaking Equatorial
- Africa, French-speaking Equatorial [fq]
UF Africa, Equatorial French Equatorial Africa French-speaking Equatorial Africa
- Africa, French-speaking West
Assigned code: [fw] Africa, West UF French-speaking West Africa French West Africa
- Africa, Italian East
→ Africa, Northeast
- Africa, North [ff]
UF North Africa
- Africa, Northeast [fh]
UF Africa, Italian East East African Horn Italian East Africa Northeast Africa
- Africa, Northwest
Assigned code: [ff] Africa, North [fw] Africa, West UF Northwest Africa
- Africa, South
→ South Africa
- Africa, Southern [fs]
UF Southern Africa
- Africa, Southwest
→ Namibia
- Africa, Sub-Saharan [fb]
UF Sub-Saharan Africa
- Africa, West [fw]
UF British West Africa West Africa
- Alabama [n-us]
- Alaska [n-us]
- Alaska, Gulf of (Alaska)
Assigned code: [pn] North Pacific Ocean UF Gulf of Alaska (Alaska)
- Albania [e-aa]
UF People's Socialist Republic of Albania
- Alberta [n-cn]
- Alderney (Channel Islands)
Assigned code: [e-uk] Great Britain Miscellaneous Island Dependencies
- Algeria [f-ae]
UF People's Democratic Republic of Algeria
- Alps [ea]
- Amazon River [sa]
- America
Assigned code: [n] North America [s] South America
- America, Central
→ Central America
- American Samoa [poas]
UF Samoa, American
- Amur River (China and Russia) [aa]
UF Hei Ho (China and Russia) Heilong Jiang (China and Russia) Reka Amur (China and Russia) Sakhalin Ula (China and Russia)
- Andaman and Nicobar Islands (India)
Assigned code: [a-ii] India
- Andean Area
→ Andes
- Andes [sn]
UF Andean Area
- Andorra [e-an]
- Anglo-Egyptian Sudan
→ Sudan
- Angola [f-ao]
UF People's Republic of Angola Portuguese West Africa West Africa, Portuguese
- Anguilla [nwxa]
[Coded [nwxi] (Saint Kitts and Nevis) before Mar. 1988]
- Anhui Sheng (China) [a-cc]
UF Anhwei Province (China)
- Anhwei Province (China)
→ Anhui Sheng (China)
- Antarctic Ocean [t]
- Antarctic regions
→ Antarctica
- Antarctica [t]
[Coded also [t-ay] (Antarctica) before Mar. 1988] UF Antarctic regions South Pole
- Antigua
Assigned code: [nwaq] Antigua and Barbuda
- Antigua and Barbuda [nwaq]
- Antilles, Greater
[Coded [nwga] (Greater Antilles) before Mar. 1988] → West Indies
- Antilles, Lesser [nwla]
UF Lesser Antilles
- Appalachian Mountains [n-us]
- Appalachian Mountains, Southern
Assigned code: [n-us] Appalachian Mountains
- Appalachian Region
Assigned code: [n-us] Appalachian Mountains
- Aqaba, Gulf of
Assigned code: [mr] Red Sea UF Gulf of Aqaba
- Arab countries [ma]
UF Arabic countries
- Arab Republic of Yemen
→ Yemen
- Arabia
→ Arabian Peninsula
- Arabia, Southern
Assigned code: [a-mk] Oman [a-ye] Yemen
- Arabian Peninsula [ar]
UF Arabia
- Arabian Sea [au]
- Arabic countries
→ Arab countries
- Arafura Sea
Assigned code: [ps] South Pacific Ocean
- Aran Islands (Ireland)
Assigned code: [e-ie] Ireland
- Archipel des Marquises (French Polynesia)
→ Marquesas Islands (French Polynesia)
- Arctic Ocean [r]
- Arctic regions [r]
UF North Pole
- Argentina [s-ag]
- Arizona [n-us]
- Arkansas [n-us]
- Armenia
Assigned code: [a-ai] Armenia (Republic) [a-ir] Iran [a-tu] Turkey
- Armenia (Republic) [a-ai]
[Coded [e-ur] (Armenia (Republic)) before June 1998] UF Armenian S.S.R.
- Armenian S.S.R.
→ Armenia (Republic)
- Aruba [nwaw]
[Coded [nwco] (Curaçao) before Sept. 2002]
- Ascension Island (Atlantic Ocean) [lsai]
- Ashanti
→ Ghana
- Ashmore and Cartier Islands [u-ac]
- Asia [a]
- Asia, Central [ac]
UF Central Asia Soviet Central Asia
- Asia, East
→ East Asia
- Asia, South
→ South Asia
- Asia, Southeastern [as]
UF Southeast Asia Southeastern Asia
- Asia, Southwestern
→ Middle East
- Asia, Western
→ Middle East
- Asia and Europe (treated collectively)
→ Eurasia
- Asia Minor
→ Turkey
- Atlantic Coast (U.S.)
Assigned code: [n-us] United States
- Atlantic Ocean [l]
- Atlantic States
Assigned code: [n-us] United States
- Atlantic States, South
→ South Atlantic States
- Atlas Mountains [fa]
- Austral Islands (French Polynesia)
Assigned code: [pofp] French Polynesia UF Tubuai Islands (French Polynesia)
- Australasia [u]
- Australia [u-at]
- Australia, Central
→ Central Australia
- Australia, Eastern
→ Eastern Australia
- Australia, Northern
→ Northern Australia
- Australian Capital Territory [u-at]
[Coded [u-at-ne] (New South Wales) before Sept. 2002] UF A.C.T. Federal Capital Territory
- Austria [e-au]
- Azad Jammu and Kashmir
→ Azad Kashmir
- Azad Kashmir
Assigned code: [a-pk] Pakistan UF Azad Jammu and Kashmir Kashmir
- Azerbaijan [a-aj]
[Coded [e-ur-aj] (Azerbaijan) before June 1998] UF Azerbaijan S.S.R.
- Azerbaijan S.S.R.
→ Azerbaijan
- Azores [lnaz]
UF Açores
- Babylonia
Assigned code: [a-iq] Iraq
- Bahamas [nwbf]
- Bahrain [a-ba]
UF Bahrein
- Bahrein
→ Bahrain
- Balearic Islands (Spain)
Assigned code: [e-sp] Spain
- Balkan Peninsula [ed]
UF Europe, Southeastern Southeastern Europe
- Baltic Sea
Assigned code: [ln] North Atlantic Ocean
- Baltic States [eb]
- Banaba (Kiribati)
Assigned code: [pokb] Kiribati UF Ocean Island (Kiribati)
- Bangladesh [a-bg]
UF East Pakistan (Pakistan)
- Banks Islands (Vanuatu)
Assigned code: [ponn] Vanuatu
- Barbados [nwbb]
- Barbuda
[Coded [nwbc] (Barbuda) before Mar. 1988] Assigned code: [nwaq] Antigua and Barbuda
- Barents Sea
Assigned code: [r] Arctic Ocean
- Basutoland
→ Lesotho
- Bay of Bengal
→ Bengal, Bay of
- Bay of Fundy
→ Fundy, Bay of
- Bear Island (Norway)
Assigned code: [lnsb] Svalbard (Norway) UF Bjørnøya (Norway)
- Beaufort Sea
Assigned code: [r] Arctic Ocean
- Bechuanaland
→ Botswana
- Beijing (China) [a-cc]
UF Peiping (China) Peking (China)
- Belarus [e-bw]
[Coded [e-ur] (Belarus) before June 1998] UF Belorussian S.S.R. Byelorussian S.S.R. White Russia
- Belau
→ Palau
- Belgian Congo
→ Congo (Democratic Republic)
- Belgium [e-be]
- Belize [ncbh]
UF British Honduras
- Belorussian S.S.R.
→ Belarus
- Benelux countries [el]
UF Low countries
- Bengal, Bay of [ab]
UF Bay of Bengal
- Benin [f-dm]
UF Dahomey People's Republic of Benin
- Bering Sea
Assigned code: [pn] North Pacific Ocean
- Berlin (Germany)
[Coded [e-gx] (Germany) for Berlin as a whole; [e-ge] (Germany (East)) for East Berlin; or [e-gw] (Germany (West)) for West Berlin before Jan. 1991] Assigned code: [e-gx] Germany UF East Berlin West Berlin
- Bermuda Islands [lnbm]
- Bermuda Triangle
Assigned code: [ln] North Atlantic Ocean
- Bhutan [a-bt]
- Biafra
[Coded [f-by] (Biafra) before Mar. 1988] → Nigeria
- Bikini Atoll (Marshall Islands)
Assigned code: [poxe] Marshall Islands
- Bioco (Equatorial Guinea)
→ Fernando Po (Equatorial Guinea)
- Bioko (Equatorial Guinea)
→ Fernando Po (Equatorial Guinea)
- Bismarck Archipelago (Papua New Guinea)
Assigned code: [a-pp] Papua New Guinea
- Bjørnøya (Norway)
→ Bear Island (Norway)
- Black Sea [mb]
- Blue Ridge Mountains
Assigned code: [n-us] Appalachian Mountains
- Bo Hai (China) [a-cc]
UF Bohai (China : Gulf) Chihli, Gulf of (China) Po Gulf (China) Po Hai (China)
- Bohai (China : Gulf)
→ Bo Hai (China)
- Bolivia [s-bo]
- Bonaire [nwbn]
[Coded [nwco] (Curaçao) before Sept. 2002]
- Bophuthatswana (South Africa)
Assigned code: [f-sa] South Africa
- Borneo [a-bn]
- Bosnia and Hercegovina [e-bn]
[Coded [e-yu] (Yugoslavia) before Oct. 1992]
- Botswana [f-bs]
UF Bechuanaland
- Bougainville Island (Papua New Guinea)
Assigned code: [a-pp] Papua New Guinea
- Bouvet Island [lsbv]
- Brazil [s-bl]
- Brazzaville
→ Congo (Brazzaville)
- British Columbia [n-cn]
- British Commonwealth countries
→ Commonwealth countries
- British Dominions
→ Commonwealth countries
- British East Africa
→ Africa, East
- British Guiana
→ Guyana
- British Honduras
→ Belize
- British Indian Ocean Territory [i-bi]
UF Chagos Islands Indian Ocean Territory, British
- British Isles
Assigned code: [e-uk] Great Britain [e-ie] Ireland
- British North Borneo
→ Sabah
- British Solomon Islands
→ Solomon Islands
- British Somaliland
→ Somalia
- British Togoland
→ Togoland (British)
- British Virgin Islands [nwvb]
UF Virgin Islands Virgin Islands, British Virgin Islands (Great Britain) Virgin Islands (Presidency)
- British West Africa
→ Africa, West
- Brownsea Island (England)
Assigned code: [e-uk] England
- Brunei [a-bx]
- Bulgaria [e-bu]
UF People's Republic of Bulgaria
- Burkina Faso [f-uv]
UF Upper Volta
- Burma [a-br]
UF Myanmar
- Burundi [f-bd]
UF German East Africa
- Byelorussian S.S.R.
→ Belarus
- Byzantine Empire
Assigned code: [mm] Mediterranean Region
- Cabo Verde
→ Cape Verde
- Caicos Islands
→ Turks and Caicos Islands
- Calf of Man
Assigned code: [e-uk] Great Britain Miscellaneous Island Dependencies
- California [n-us]
- Cambodia [a-cb]
UF Kampuchea Khmer Republic
- Cameroon [f-cm]
UF Cameroons, French Cameroons, Southern Cameroun French Cameroons Southern Cameroons
- Cameroons, French
→ Cameroon
- Cameroons, Southern
→ Cameroon
- Cameroun
→ Cameroon
- Canada [n-cn]
- Canada, Eastern
Assigned code: [n-cn] Canada UF Eastern Canada
- Canada, Northern
Assigned code: [n-cn] Canada UF Northern Canada
- Canada, Western
Assigned code: [n-cn] British Columbia [n-cn] Prairie Provinces UF Western Canada
- Canadian Northwest
→ Northwest, Canadian
- Canal Zone [nccz]
UF Panama Canal Zone
- Canary Islands [lnca]
- Canton and Enderbury Islands
[Coded [pocp] (Canton and Enderbury Islands) before Mar. 1988] Assigned code: [pokb] Kiribati UF Enderbury and Canton Islands
- Cape Verde [lncv]
UF Cabo Verde Republic of Cape Verde
- Caribbean Area [cc]
UF Caribbean Sea Region Circumcaribbean
- Caribbean Island Dependencies of the United States
→ United States Miscellaneous Caribbean Islands
- Caribbean Sea [cc]
- Caribbean Sea Region
→ Caribbean Area
- Caroline Islands [poci]
- Carpathian Mountains
Assigned code: [ee] Europe, Eastern
- Carpentaria, Gulf of (N.T. and Qld.)
[Coded [ps] (South Pacific Ocean) before June 1998] Assigned code: [u-at] Northern Territory [u-at] Queensland UF Gulf of Carpentaria (N.T. and Qld.)
- Caspian Sea [ak]
- Caucasus [e-ur]
- Caucasus, Northern (Russia) [e-ur]
UF North Caucasus (Russia) Northern Caucasus (Russia)
- Cayman Islands [nwcj]
- Celebes (Indonesia)
Assigned code: [a-io] Indonesia UF Sulawesi (Indonesia)
- Central Africa
→ Africa, Central
- Central African Empire
→ Central African Republic
- Central African Republic [f-cx]
UF Central African Empire Ubangi Shari
- Central America [nc]
UF America, Central Middle America
- Central Asia
→ Asia, Central
- Central Australia [u-at]
[Coded [u-at] (Australia) before September 2005] UF Australia, Central
- Central Black Earth Region (Russia)
→ Central Chernozem Region (Russia)
- Central Black Soil Region (Russia)
→ Central Chernozem Region (Russia)
- Central Chernozem Region (Russia) [e-ur]
UF Central Black Earth Region (Russia) Central Black Soil Region (Russia)
- Central Europe
→ Europe, Central
- Ceuta (Spain)
Assigned code: [f-sh] Spanish North Africa
- Ceylon
→ Sri Lanka
- Chad [f-cd]
- Chad, Lake
Assigned code: [fq] Africa, French-speaking Equatorial
- Chagos Islands
→ British Indian Ocean Territory
- Chang Chiang (China)
→ Yangtze River (China)
- Channel Islands
Assigned code: [e-uk] Great Britain Miscellaneous Island Dependencies
- Chekiang Province (China)
→ Zhejiang Sheng (China)
- Chesapeake Bay (Md. and Va.)
Assigned code: [n-us] Maryland [n-us] Virginia
- Chihli, Gulf of (China)
→ Bo Hai (China)
- Chile [s-cl]
- China [a-cc]
UF Mainland China People's Republic of China
- Chishima-retto (Russia)
→ Kuril Islands (Russia)
- Chongqing (China) [a-cc]
UF Ch'ung-ch'ing shih (China) Chungking (China)
- Christmas Island (Indian Ocean) [i-xa]
- Christmas Island (Pacific Ocean)
→ Kiritimati (Kiribati)
- Ch'ung-ch'ing shih (China)
→ Chongqing (China)
- Chungking (China)
→ Chongqing (China)
- Chuuk (Micronesia)
Assigned code: [pomi] Micronesia (Federated States) UF Truk (Micronesia)
- Circumcaribbean
[Coded [cr] (Circumcaribbean) before Mar. 1988] → Caribbean Area
- Cocos (Keeling) Islands [i-xb]
UF Keeling Islands
- Cold regions [q]
- Colombia [s-ck]
- Colorado [n-us]
- Colorado River (Colo.-Mexico)
Assigned code: [n-mx] Mexico [n-us] West (U.S.)
- Colorado River Delta (Mexico)
Assigned code: [n-mx] Mexico
- Commonwealth countries [b]
UF British Commonwealth countries British Dominions Commonwealth nations
- Commonwealth nations
→ Commonwealth countries
- Commonwealth of Independent States countries
→ Soviet Union
- Commonwealth of the Northern Mariana Islands
→ Mariana Islands
- Communauté francaise
→ French Community
- Communist countries
[Coded [v] (Communist countries) before June 1998] Assigned code: [e-ur] Soviet Union [ee] Europe, Eastern
- Comoro Islands
→ Comoros
- Comoros [i-cq]
UF Comoro Islands Iles Comores
- Confederate States of America
Assigned code: [n-us] Southern States
- Congo (Brazzaville) [f-cf]
UF Brazzaville French Congo Middle Congo
- Congo (Democratic Republic) [f-cg]
UF Belgian Congo Congo (Kinshasa) Congo (Leopoldville) Zaire
- Congo (Kingdom)
→ Kongo Kingdom
- Congo (Kinshasa)
→ Congo (Democratic Republic)
- Congo (Leopoldville)
→ Congo (DemocraticRepublic)
- Congo River [fg]
- Connecticut [n-us]
- Cook Islands [pocw]
- Coral Sea Islands [u-cs]
- Corsica (France)
Assigned code: [e-fr] France
- Costa Rica [nccr]
- Côte d'Ivoire [f-iv]
UF Ivory Coast
- Crete (Greece)
Assigned code: [e-gr] Greece
- Croatia [e-ci]
[Coded [e-yu] (Yugoslavia) before Oct. 1992] UF People's Republic of Croatia
- Cuba [nwcu]
- Cumberland Mountains
Assigned code: [n-us] Southern States
- Curaçao [nwco]
- Cyprus [a-cy]
- Czech Republic [e-xr]
[Coded [e-cs] (Czechoslovakia) before May 1993] UF Czech Socialist Republic (Czechoslovakia)
- Czech Socialist Republic (Czechoslovakia)
→ Czech Republic
- Czechoslovakia [e-cs]
[Includes the Czech Republic and Slovakia treated collectively]
- Dahomey
→ Benin
- Danube River [eo]
- Deep space [zd]
- Delaware [n-us]
- Democratic German Republic
→ Germany (East)
- Denmark [e-dk]
- D'Entrecasteaux Islands (Papua New Guinea)
Assigned code: [a-pp] Papua New Guinea
- Desolation Islands
→ Kerguelen Islands
- Developed countries [dd]
UF Advanced countries Economically advanced countries First World Industrialized countries
- Developing countries [d]
UF Emerging nations Third World Underdeveloped areas
- Diego Garcia (British Indian Ocean Territory)
Assigned code: [i-bi] British Indian Ocean Territory
- District of Columbia
→ Washington (D.C.)
- Djibouti [f-ft]
UF Afars and Issas, French Territory of the French Somaliland French Territory of the Afars and Issas Somaliland, French
- Dodecanese (Greece)
→ Dodekanesos (Greece)
- Dodekanesos (Greece)
Assigned code: [e-gr] Greece UF Dodecanese (Greece)
- Dominica [nwdq]
- Dominican Republic [nwdr]
- Dubai
→ Dubayy (United Arab Emirates : Emirate)
- Dubayy (United Arab Emirates : Emirate)
Assigned code: [a-ts] United Arab Emirates UF Dubai
- Dutch East Indies
→ Indonesia
- Dutch Guiana
→ Suriname
- Dutch West Indies
→ Netherlands Antilles
- Dza-chu
→ Mekong River
- Earth [x]
East → Orient
- East (Far East)
→ East Asia
- East (Near East)
→ Middle East
- East (U.S.) [n-us]
- East Africa
→ Africa, East
- East Africa, Portuguese
→ Mozambique
- East Africa Protectorate
→ Kenya
- East African Horn
→ Africa, Northeast
- East Asia [ae]
UF Asia, East East (Far East) Far East
- East Berlin
→ Berlin (Germany)
- East China Sea [an]
- East Germany
→ Germany (East)
- East Indies
Assigned code: [az] Asia, South [as] Asia, Southeastern UF Indies, East
- East Pakistan (Pakistan)
→ Bangladesh
- East Siberian Region (Russia)
→ Siberia, Eastern (Russia)
- East Timor [a-em]
[Coded [a-pt] (Portuguese Timor) before April 21, 1980; coded [a-io] (Indonesia) from 1980-Sept. 2002] UF Portuguese Timor Timor, East Timor, Portuguese Timor Timur
- Easter Island [poea]
UF Isla de Pascua Pascua Island
- Eastern Africa
→ Africa, Eastern
- Eastern Australia [u-at]
UF Australia, Eastern
- Eastern Canada
→ Canada, Eastern
- Eastern Europe
→ Europe, Eastern
- Eastern Hemisphere [xa]
- Eastern Mediterranean
→ Middle East
- Eastern Samar (Philippines)
Assigned code: [a-ph] Philippines
- Eastern Siberia (Russia)
→ Siberia, Eastern (Russia)
- Economically advanced countries
→ Developed countries
- Ecuador [s-ec]
- Egypt [f-ua]
- Eire
→ Ireland
- El Salvador [nces]
UF Salvador
- Ellice Islands
→ Tuvalu
- Emerging nations
→ Developing countries
- Enderbury and Canton Islands
→ Canton and Enderbury Islands
- England [e-uk]
- English Channel
Assigned code: [ln] North Atlantic Ocean
- Equator
Assigned code: [w] Tropics
- Equatorial Guinea [f-eg]
UF Guinea, Equatorial Guinea, Spanish Río Muni Spanish Guinea
- Eritrea [f-ea]
[Coded [f-et] (Ethiopia) before Nov. 1993]
- Estonia [e-er]
[Coded [e-ur-er] (Estonia) before June 1998]
- Ethiopia [f-et]
UF Abyssinia
- Eurasia [me]
UF Asia and Europe (treated collectively) Europe and Asia (treated collectively)
- Europe [e]
- Europe, Central [ec]
UF Central Europe Europe, East Central
- Europe, East Central
[Coded [et] (Europe, East Central) before Mar. 1988] → Europe, Central Europe, Eastern
- Europe, Eastern [ee]
UF Eastern Europe Europe, East Central
- Europe, Northern [en]
UF Northern Europe
- Europe, Southeastern
→ Balkan Peninsula
- Europe, Southern [es]
UF Southern Europe
- Europe, Western [ew]
UF Western Europe
- Europe and Asia (treated collectively)
→ Eurasia
- European Economic Community countries
Assigned code: [e] Europe
- European Union countries
Assigned code: [e] Europe
- Faeroe Islands
→ Faroe Islands
- Falkland Islands [lsfk]
UF Malvinas Islands
- Far East
→ East Asia
- Far East (Russia)
→ Russian Far East (Russia)
- Far Eastern Region (Russia)
→ Russian Far East (Russia)
- Far West (U.S.)
→ West (U.S.)
- Faroe Islands [lnfa]
UF Faeroe Islands
- Federal Capital Territory
→ Australian Capital Territory
- Federal German Republic
→ Germany (West)
- Federated States of Micronesia
→ Micronesia (Federated States)
- Federation of Rhodesia and Nyasaland
→ Rhodesia and Nyasaland
- Federation of South Arabia
Assigned code: [a-ye] Yemen UF South Arabia, Federation of
- Fernando Po (Equatorial Guinea)
Assigned code: [f-eg] Equatorial Guinea UF Bioco (Equatorial Guinea) Bioko (Equatorial Guinea) Macias Nguema (Equatorial Guinea)
- Fiji [pofj]
- Finland [e-fi]
- First World
→ Developed countries
- Florida [n-us]
- Former Soviet republics
→ Soviet Union
- Former Yugoslav republics
→ Yugoslavia
- Formosa
→ Taiwan
- France [e-fr]
- French Cameroons
→ Cameroon
- French Community [h]
UF Communauté francaise French Union
- French Congo
→ Congo (Brazzaville)
- French Equatorial Africa
→ Africa, French-speaking Equatorial
- French Guiana [s-fg]
UF Guiana, French
- French Guinea
→ Guinea
- French India
Assigned code: [a-ii] India UF India, French
- French Indochina
→ Indochina
- French Morocco
→ Morocco
- French Polynesia [pofp]
UF Oceania, French Polynesia, French
- French Somaliland
→ Djibouti
- French Southern and Antarctic Lands
→ Terres australes et antarctiques françaises
- French Southern Indian Ocean Islands
→ Terres australes et antarctiques françaises
- French-speaking Equatorial Africa
→ Africa, French-speaking Equatorial
- French-speaking West Africa
→ Africa, French-speaking West
- French Sudan
→ Mali
- French Territory of the Afars and Issas
→ Djibouti
- French Togoland
→ Togo
- French Union
→ French Community
- French West Africa
→ Africa, French-speaking West
- French West Indies
→ West Indies, French
- Friendly Islands
→ Tonga
- Froides, Iles
→ Prince Edward Islands
- Frostbelt (U.S.)
→ Snowbelt States
- Fujian Sheng (China) [a-cc]
UF Fukien Province (China)
- Fukien Province (China)
→ Fujian Sheng (China)
- Fundy, Bay of
Assigned code: [ln] North Atlantic Ocean UF Bay of Fundy
- Futuna Islands (Wallis and Futuna Islands)
Assigned code: [powf] Wallis and Futuna Islands
- Gabon [f-go]
- Galapagos Islands [pogg]
- Gambia [f-gm]
- Gambier Islands (French Polynesia)
Assigned code: [pofp] French Polynesia
- Gansu Sheng (China) [a-cc]
UF Kansu Province (China)
- Gaza Strip [awgz]
- Georges Bank
Assigned code: [ln] North Atlantic Ocean
- Georgia [n-us]
- Georgia (Republic) [a-gs]
UF Georgia (Soviet Union) Georgian S.S.R.
- Georgia (Soviet Union)
→ Georgia (Republic)
- Georgian S.S.R.
→ Georgia (Republic)
- German Democratic Republic
→ Germany (East)
- German East Africa
→ Burundi Mozambique Rwanda Tanzania
- German Federal Republic
→ Germany
- Germany [e-gx]
[For Germany as a whole regardless of time period; includes Germany (East) and Germany (West) as a whole between 1949 and 1990]
- Germany (East) [e-ge]
[For the eastern part of Germany before 1949 or after 1990 and for the German Democratic Republic between 1949-1990] UF Democratic German Republic East Germany German Democratic Republic Germany, Eastern
- Germany (West) [e-gw]
[For the western part of Germany before 1949 or after 1990 and for the Federal Republic of Germany between 1949-1990] UF Federal German Republic German Federal Republic Germany, Western West Germany
- Germany, Eastern
→ Germany (East)
- Germany, Northern
Assigned code: [e-gx] Germany UF Northern Germany
- Germany, Southern
Assigned code: [e-gx] Germany UF Southern Germany
- Germany, Western
→ Germany (West)
- Ghana [f-gh]
UF Ashanti Gold Coast
- Ghana (Empire)
Assigned code: [fw] Africa, West
- Gibraltar [e-gi]
- Gibraltar, Strait of
Assigned code: [e-gi] Gibraltar [mm] Mediterranean Sea UF Strait of Gibraltar
- Gilbert and Ellice Islands Colony
[Coded [pogn] (Gilbert and Ellice Islands) before Mar. 1988] Assigned code: [pokb] Kiribati [potv] Tuvalu
- Gilbert Islands
→ Kiribati
- Gold Coast
→ Ghana
- Great Barrier Reef (Qld.)
Assigned code: [u-at] Queensland
- Great Basin
Assigned code: [n-us] West (U.S.)
- Great Britain [e-uk]
UF United Kingdom
- Great Britain Miscellaneous Island Dependencies [e-uk]
UF Island Dependencies of Great Britain United Kingdom Miscellaneous Island Dependencies
- Great Lakes [nl]
- Great Lakes States
→ Lake States
- Great Plains [np]
- Great Rift Valley [fr]
UF Rift Valley
- Greater Antilles
[Coded [nwga] (Greater Antilles) before Mar. 1988] → West Indies
- Greece [e-gr]
- Greenland [n-gl]
- Grenada [nwgd]
- Grenadines (Saint Vincent and the Grenadines and Grenada)
Assigned code: [nwxm] Saint Vincent and the Grenadines [nwgd] Grenada
- Guadalcanal (Solomon Islands)
Assigned code: [pobp] Solomon Islands
- Guadeloupe [nwgp]
- Guam [pogu]
- Guangdong Sheng (China) [a-cc]
UF Kwangtung Province (China)
- Guangxi Zhuangzu Zizhiqu (China) [a-cc]
UF Kuang-hsi Chuang tsu tzu chih ch'ü (China) Kwangsi Chuang Autonomous Region
- Guatemala [ncgt]
- Guernsey (Channel Islands)
Assigned code: [e-uk] Great Britain Miscellaneous Island Dependencies
- Guiana, British
→ Guyana
- Guiana, Dutch
→ Suriname
- Guiana, French
→ French Guiana
- Guinea [f-gv]
UF French Guinea Guinea, French Guinée Republique de Guinée
- Guinea, Equatorial
→ Equatorial Guinea
- Guinea, French
→ Guinea
- Guinea, Gulf of
Assigned code: [ls] South Atlantic Ocean UF Gulf of Guinea
- Guinea, Portuguese
→ Guinea-Bissau
- Guinea, Spanish
→ Equatorial Guinea
- Guinea-Bissau [f-pg]
UF Guinea, Portuguese Portuguese Guinea
- Guinée
→ Guinea
- Guizhou Sheng (China) [a-cc]
UF Kweichow Province (China)
- Gulf of Aden
→ Aden, Gulf of
- Gulf of Alaska (Alaska)
→ Alaska, Gulf of (Alaska)
- Gulf of Aqaba
→ Aqaba, Gulf of
- Gulf of Carpentaria (N.T. and Qld.)
→ Carpentaria, Gulf of (N.T. and Qld.)
- Gulf of Guinea
→ Guinea, Gulf of
- Gulf of Mexico
→ Mexico, Gulf of
- Gulf of Oman
→ Oman, Gulf of
- Gulf of Thailand
→ Thailand, Gulf of
- Gulf States
Assigned code: [n-us] Southern States
- Guyana [s-gy]
UF British Guiana Guiana, British
- Hainan Island (China)
→ Hainan Sheng (China)
- Hainan Province (China)
→ Hainan Sheng (China)
- Hainan Sheng (China) [a-cc]
[Coded [a-cc-kn] (Kwangtung Province (China)) before June 1998] UF Hainan Island (China) Hainan Province (China)
- Haiti [nwht]
- Hawaii [n-us]
- Heard and McDonald Islands [i-hm]
- Heard Island (Heard and McDonald Islands)
Assigned code: [i-hm] Heard and McDonald Islands
- Hebei Sheng (China) [a-cc]
UF Ho-pei sheng (China) Hopeh Province (China)
- Hei Ho (China and Russia)
→ Amur River (China and Russia)
- Heilong Jiang (China and Russia)
→ Amur River (China and Russia)
- Heilungkiang Province (China)
→ Heilongjiang Sheng (China)
- Heilongjiang Sheng (China) [a-cc]
UF Heilungkiang Province (China)
- Henan Sheng (China) [a-cc]
UF Honan Province (China)
- Himalaya Mountains [ah]
- Hispaniola [nwhi]
- Ho-pei sheng (China)
→ Hebei Sheng (China)
- Hoang Ho (China)
→ Yellow River (China)
- Hoàng Sa (China)
→ Paracel Islands
- Holland
→ Netherlands
- Holy Roman Empire
Assigned code: [e] Europe
- Holy See
→ Vatican City
- Homelands (South Africa)
Assigned code: [f-sa] South Africa
- Honan Province (China)
→ Henan Sheng (China)
- Honduras [ncho]
- Hong Kong
→ Hong Kong (China : Special Administrative Region)
- Hong Kong (China : Special Administrative Region) [a-cc]
[Coded [a-hk] (Hong Kong) before June 1998] UF Hong Kong
- Hoorn Islands
→ Futuna Islands (Wallis and Futuna Islands)
- Hopeh Province (China)
→ Hebei Sheng (China)
- Hsi Chiang (China)
→ Xi River (China)
- Hsi-sha Islands
→ Paracel Islands
- Hsin-chiang-wei-wu-erh tzu chih ch'ü (China)
→ Xinjiang Uygur Zizhiqu (China)
- Hu-pei (China)
→ Hubei Sheng (China)
- Huang Hai
→ Yellow Sea
- Huang Ho (China)
→ Yellow River (China)
- Hubei Sheng (China) [a-cc]
UF Hu-pei (China) Hupeh Province (China)
- Hudson Bay [n-cn]
- Hunan Province (China)
→ Hunan Sheng (China)
- Hunan Sheng (China) [a-cc]
UF Hunan Province (China)
- Hungary [e-hu]
- Hupeh Province (China)
→ Hubei Sheng (China)
- Huthera (Tanzania)
→ Pemba Island (Tanzania)
- Hwang Ho (China)
→ Yellow River (China)
- IÀkutskaíàA.S.S.R. (Russia)
→ Sakha (Russia)
- Iberian Peninsula
[Coded [ei] (Iberian Peninsula) before Mar. 1988] Assigned code: [e-po] Portugal [e-sp] Spain
- Iceland [e-ic]
- Idaho [n-us]
- Ifni
[Coded [f-if] (Ifni) before Mar. 1988] [f-mr] Morocco
- Iles Comores
→ Comoros
- Iles Froides
→ Prince Edward Islands
- Iles Kerguélen
→ Kerguelen Islands
- Iles Marquises de Mendoça (French Polynesia)
→ Marquesas Islands (French Polynesia)
- Iles Saint-Pierre et Miquelon
→ Saint Pierre and Miquelon
- Illinois [n-us]
- India [a-ii]
- India, French
→ French India
- Indian Ocean [i]
- Indian Ocean Islands, French
→ Terres australes et antarctiques françaises
- Indian Ocean Territory, British
→ British Indian Ocean Territory
- Indian Territory
Assigned code: [n-us] Oklahoma
- Indiana [n-us]
- Indies, East
→ East Indies
- Indies, West
→ West Indies
- Indochina [ai]
UF French Indochina
- Indonesia [a-io]
UF Dutch East Indies Netherlands East Indies
- Industrialized countries
→ Developed countries
- Inner Mongolia (China) [a-cc]
UF Mongolia (Inner Mongolia)
- Intercontinental areas (Eastern Hemisphere) [m]
- Intercontinental areas (Western Hemisphere) [c]
- Iowa [n-us]
- Iran [a-ir]
UF Persia
- Iraq [a-iq]
- Ireland [e-ie]
UF Eire Ireland (Eire) Irish Republic Republic of Ireland
- Ireland (Eire)
→ Ireland
- Ireland, Northern
→ Northern Ireland
- Irian Barat (Indonesia)
→ Irian Jaya (Indonesia)
- Irian Jaya (Indonesia)
Assigned code: [a-io] Indonesia UF Irian Barat (Indonesia) West Irian West New Guinea
- Irish Republic
→ Ireland
- Irish Sea
Assigned code: [ln] North Atlantic Ocean
- Isla de Pascua
→ Easter Island
- Islamic countries
Assigned code: [f] Africa [a] Asia
- Islamic Empire
Assigned code: [aw] Middle East [ff] Africa, North [e-sp] Spain
- Island Dependencies of Great Britain
→ Great Britain Miscellaneous Island Dependencies
- Island Dependencies of the United States in the Caribbean
→ United States Miscellaneous Caribbean Islands
- Island Dependencies of the United States in the Pacific
→ United States Miscellaneous Pacific Islands
- Islands of the Aegean
→ Aegean Islands (Greece and Turkey)
- Islands of the Atlantic
Assigned code: [l] Atlantic Ocean
- Islands of the Indian Ocean
Assigned code: [i] Indian Ocean
- Islands of the Mediterranean
Assigned code: [mm] Mediterranean Sea
- Islands of the Pacific
Assigned code: [po] Oceania
- Islands of the South China Sea
Assigned code: [ao] South China Sea
- Islas Marquesas de Mendoza (French Polynesia)
→ Marquesas Islands (French Polynesia)
- Isle of Man
Assigned code: [e-uk] Great Britain Miscellaneous Island Dependencies UF Man, Isle of
- Isle of Wight (England)
Assigned code: [e-uk] England UF Wight, Isle of
- Israel [a-is]
- Italian East Africa
→ Africa, Northeast
- Italian Somaliland
→ Somalia
- Italy [e-it]
- Ivory Coast
→ Côte d'Ivoire
- Jamaica [nwjm]
- Jammu and Kashmir (India)
Assigned code: [a-ii] India UF Kashmir Kashmir and Jammu (India)
- Jan Mayen Island [lnjn]
- Japan [a-ja]
- Java (Indonesia)
Assigned code: [a-io] Indonesia
- Jersey (Channel Islands)
Assigned code: [e-uk] Great Britain Miscellaneous Island Dependencies
- Jerusalem
Assigned code: [a-is] Israel [awba] West Bank
- Jiangsu Sheng (China) [a-cc]
UF Kiangsu Province (China)
- Jiangxi Sheng (China) [a-cc]
UF Kiangsi Province (China)
- Jilin Sheng (China) [a-cc]
UF Kirin Province (China)
- Johnston Island [poji]
- Jordan [a-jo]
UF Transjordan
- Judaea and Samaria
→ West Bank
- Jupiter (Planet) [zju]
- Kalimantan Barat (Indonesia)
Assigned code: [a-io] Indonesia
- Kampuchea
→ Cambodia
- Kansas [n-us]
- Kansu Province (China)
→ Gansu Sheng (China)
- Kashmir
→ Azad Kashmir Jammu and Kashmir (India)
- Kashmir and Jammu (India)
→ Jammu and Kashmir (India)
- Kazakh S.S.R.
→ Kazakhstan
- Kazakhstan [a-kz]
[Coded [e-ur] (Kazakhstan) before June 1998] UF Kazakh S.S.R. Kazakstan
- Kazakstan
→ Kazakhstan
- Keeling Islands
→ Cocos (Keeling) Islands
- Kentucky [n-us]
- Kenya [f-ke]
UF East Africa Protectorate
- Kerguelen Islands
Assigned code: [i-fs] Terres australes et antarctiques française UF Desolation Islands Iles Kerguélen
- Kermadec Islands [poki]
- Khmer Republic
→ Cambodia
- Kiangsi Province (China)
→ Jiangxi Sheng (China)
- Kiangsu Province (China)
→ Jiangsu Sheng (China)
- Kievan Rus
[Coded [e-ur] (Soviet Union) before June 1998] Assigned codes: [e-bw] Belarus [e-ru] Russian (Federation) [e-un] Ukraine
- Kirghiz S.S.R.
→ Kyrgyzstan
- Kiribati [pokb]
[Coded [pogn] (Gilbert and Ellice Islands) or [poln] (Line Islands) before Mar. 1988] UF Gilbert Islands
- Kirin Province (China)
→ Jilin Sheng (China)
- Kiritimati (Kiribati)
Assigned code: [pokb] Kiribati UF Christmas Island (Pacific Ocean)
- Kongo Kingdom
Assigned code: [f-ao] Angola [f-cf] Congo (Brazzaville) [f-cg] Congo (Democratic Republic) UF Congo (Kingdom)
- Korea [a-kr]
- Korea (North) [a-kn]
UF Korean People's Republic North Korea
- Korea (Republic)
→ Korea (South)
- Korea (South) [a-ko]
UF Korea (Republic) South Korea
- Korean People's Republic
→ Korea (North)
- Kosovo [e-kv]
- Kosrae (Micronesia)
Assigned code: [pomi] Micronesia (Federated States) UF Kusaie (Micronesia)
- Kuang-hsi Chuang tsu tzu chih ch'ü (China)
→ Guangxi Zhuangzu Zizhiqu (China)
- Kunlun Mountains (China and India) [a-cc]
UF Kwenlun Mountains
- Kuril Islands (Russia)
[Coded [e-ur-ru] (Russia Federation) before June 1998] Assigned code: [e-ru] Russia (Federation) UF Chishima-retto (Russia) Kurile Islands (Russia) Kuril'skie ostrova (Russia)
- Kurile Islands (Russia)
→ Kuril Islands (Russia)
- Kuril'skie ostrova (Russia)
→ Kuril Islands (Russia)
- Kusaie (Micronesia)
→ Kosrae (Micronesia)
- Kuwait [a-ku]
- Kwang Sea
→ Yellow Sea
- Kwangsi Chuang Autonomous Region (China)
→ Guangxi Zhuangzu Zizhiqu (China)
- Kwangtung Province (China)
→ Guangdong Sheng (China)
- Kweichow Province (China)
→ Guizhou Sheng (China)
- Kwenlun Mountains
→ Kunlun Mountains (China and India)
- Kyrgyzstan [a-kg]
[Coded [e-ur] (Kyrgystan) before June 1998] UF Kirghiz S.S.R.
- La Plata River (Argentina and Uruguay)
→ Rio de la Plata (Argentina and Uruguay)
- Labrador (Nfld.)
Assigned code: [n-cn] Newfoundland and Labrador
- Laccadive, Minicoy, and Amindivi Islands (India)
→ Lakshadweep (India)
- Lake States [nl]
UF Great Lakes States
- Lakshadweep (India)
Assigned code: [a-ii] India UF Laccadive, Minicoy, and Amindivi Islands (India)
- Lan-ts'ang Chiang
→ Mekong River
- Lancang Jiang
→ Mekong River
- Laos [a-ls]
- Lapland
Assigned code: [e-fi] Finland [e-no] Norway [e-sw] Sweden
- Latin America [cl]
UF Neotropics
- Latin Orient
[aw] Middle East
- Latvia [e-lv]
[Coded [e-ur-lv] (Latvia) before June 1998]
- Lebanon [a-le]
- Leeward Islands (West Indies) [nwli]
- Lesotho [f-lo]
UF Basutoland
- Lesser Antilles
→ Antilles, Lesser
- Lesser Sunda Islands (Indonesia and East Timor)
Assigned code: [a-io] Indonesia [a-em] East Timor UF Sunda Islands, Lesser (Indonesia and East Timor)
- Levant
→ Middle East
- Liaoning Province (China)
→ Liaoning Sheng (China)
- Liaoning Sheng (China) [a-cc]
UF Liaoning Province (China)
- Liberia [f-lb]
- Libya [f-ly]
- Liechtenstein [e-lh]
- Line Islands [poln]
- Lithuania [e-li]
[Coded [e-ur-li] (Lithuania) before March 1998]
- Long River (China)
→ Yangtze River (China)
- Louisiade Archipelago (Papua New Guinea)
Assigned code: [a-pp] Papua New Guinea
- Louisiana [n-us]
- Low countries
→ Benelux countries
- Loyalty Islands (New Caledonia)
Assigned code: [ponl] New Caledonia
- Luxembourg [e-lu]
- Luzon (Philippines)
Assigned code: [a-ph] Philippines
- Macao
→ Macau (China : Special Administrative Region)
- Macau (China : Special Administrative Region) [a-cc]
[Coded [a-mh] (Macao) before May 29, 2000] UF Macao
- Macedonia
Assigned code: [e-bu] Bulgaria [e-gr] Greece [e-xn] Macedonia (Republic)
- Macedonia (Bulgaria)
Assigned code: [e-bu] Bulgaria
- Macedonia (Greece)
Assigned code: [e-gr] Greece
- Macedonia (Republic) [e-xn]
[Coded [e-yu] (Yugoslavia) before Oct. 1992]
- Macias Nguema (Equatorial Guinea)
→ Fernando Po (Equatorial Guinea)
- Madagascar [f-mg]
UF Malagasy Republic
- Madeira Islands [lnma]
- Madura Island (Indonesia)
Assigned code: [a-io] Indonesia
- Maine [n-us]
- Mainland China
→ China
- Malagasy Republic
→ Madagascar
- Malawi [f-mw]
UF Nyasaland
- Malay Archipelago
Assigned code: [as] Asia, Southeastern
- Malay Peninsula
Assigned code: [am] Malaya [a-th] Thailand
- Malaya [am]
- Malaysia [a-my]
- Maldives [i-xc]
- Mali [f-ml]
UF French Sudan Sudan, French
- Mali (Empire)
Assigned code: [fw] Africa, West
- Malta [e-mm]
- Maluku (Indonesia)
Assigned code: [a-io] Indonesia UF Moluccas
- Malvinas Islands
→ Falkland Islands
- Man, Isle of
→ Isle of Man
- Manchuria (China)
Assigned code: [a-cc] China
- Manitoba [n-cn]
- Mariana Islands [poxd]
UF Commonwealth of the Northern Mariana Islands Northern Mariana Islands
- Marie-Galante
Assigned code: [nwgp] Guadeloupe
- Maritime Provinces [n-cn]
- Marquesas Islands (French Polynesia)
Assigned code: [pofp] French Polynesia UF Archipel des Marquises (French Polynesia) Iles Marquises de Mendoça (French Polynesia) Islas Marquesas de Mendoza (French Polynesia) Mendaña (French Polynesia)
- Mars (Planet) [zma]
UF Red Planet
- Marshall Islands [poxe]
- Martinique [nwmq]
- Maryland [n-us]
- Massach→tts [n-us]
- Mauritania [f-mu]
- Mauritius [i-mf]
- Mayotte [i-my]
[Coded [i-cq] (Comoros) before Mar. 1988]
- McDonald Island (Heard and McDonald Islands)
Assigned code: [i-hm] Heard and McDonald Islands
- Mediterranean Region [mm]
- Mediterranean Region, Eastern
→ Middle East
- Mediterranean Sea [mm]
- Mekong River [ag]
UF Dza-chu Lan-ts'ang Chiang Lancang Jiang Song Tíên Giang
- Melanesia [pome]
- Melilla (Spain)
Assigned code: [f-sh] Spanish North Africa
- Mendaña
→ Marquesas Islands (French Polynesia)
- Mercury (Planet) [zme]
- Mexico [n-mx]
UF Middle America
- Mexico, Gulf of [nm]
UF Gulf of Mexico
- Michigan [n-us]
- Micronesia [pott]
- Micronesia (Federated States) [pomi]
[Coded [pott] (Micronesia) before Mar. 1988] UF Federated States of Micronesia
- Middle America
[Coded [cm] (Middle America) before Mar. 1988] → Central America Mexico
- Middle Atlantic States [n-us]
UF Middle States
- Middle Congo
→ Congo (Brazzaville)
- Middle East [aw]
UF Asia, Southwestern Asia, Western East (Near East) Eastern Mediterranean Levant Mediterranean Region, Eastern Mideast Near East
- Middle States
→ Middle Atlantic States
- Middle West [n-us]
UF Midwest North Central States
- Mideast
→ Middle East
- Midway Islands [poxf]
- Midwest
→ Middle West
- Mindanao Island (Philippines)
Assigned code: [a-ph] Philippines
- Minnesota [n-us]
- Miquelon
Assigned code: [n-xl] Saint Pierre and Miquelon
- Mississippi [n-us]
- Mississippi River [n-us]
- Missouri [n-us]
- Missouri River [n-us]
- Moldavia
Assigned code: [e-rm] Romania
- Moldavian S.S.R.
→ Moldova
- Moldova [e-mv]
[Coded [e-ur] (Moldova) before June 1998] UF Moldavian S.S.R.
- Moluccas
→ Maluku (Indonesia)
- Monaco [e-mc]
- Mongolia [a-mp]
UF Mongolian People's Republic Outer Mongolia
- Mongolia (Inner Mongolia)
→ Inner Mongolia (China)
- Mongolian People's Republic
→ Mongolia
- Montana [n-us]
- Montenegro [e-mo]
- Montserrat [nwmj]
- Moon [zmo]
- Morocco [f-mr]
UF French Morocco
- Mozambique [f-mz]
UF East Africa, PortugueseGerman East Africa People's Republic of Mozambique Portuguese East Africa
- Muscat and Oman
→ Oman
- Myanmar
→ Burma
- Namibia [f-sx]
UF Africa, Southwest South-West Africa
- Nansha Islands
→ Spratly Islands
- Nauru [ponu]
UF Pleasant Island
- Near East
→ Middle East
- Nebraska [n-us]
- Negros Island (Philippines)
Assigned code: [a-ph] Philippines
- Neotropics
→ Latin America
- Nepal [a-np]
- Neptune (Planet) [zne]
- Netherlands [e-ne]
UF Holland
- Netherlands Antilles [nwna]
UF Dutch West Indies Netherlands West Indies West Indies, Dutch
- Netherlands East Indies
→ Indonesia
- Netherlands West Indies
→ Netherlands Antilles
- Nevada [n-us]
- Nevis
Assigned code: [nwxi] Saint Kitts and Nevis
- New Britain Island (Papua New Guinea)
[a-pp] Papua New Guinea
- New Brunswick [n-cn]
- New Caledonia [ponl]
- New England [n-us]
- New France
Assigned code: [n] North America
- New Guinea [a-nw]
UF New Guinea Island
- New Guinea (Territory)
Assigned code: [a-pp] Papua New Guinea
- New Guinea Island
→ New Guinea
- New Hampshire [n-us]
- New Hebrides
→ Vanuatu
- New Ireland Island (Papua New Guinea)
Assigned code: [a-pp] Papua New Guinea
- New Jersey [n-us]
- New Mexico [n-us]
- New South Wales [u-at]
- New York (State) [n-us]
- New Zealand [u-nz]
- Newfoundland and Labrador [n-cn]
- Nicaragua [ncnq]
- Niger [f-ng]
- Niger River [fi]
- Nigeria [f-nr]
- Nile River [fl]
- Ninghsia Province (China)
→ Ningxia Huizu Zizhiqu (China)
- Ningxia Huizu Zizhiqu (China) [a-cc]
UF Ninghsia Province (China) Ningsia Hui Autonomous Region (China)
- Niue [poxh]
- Non-Black Earth Region (Russia)
→ Non-Chernozem Region (Russia)
- Non-Chernozem Region (Russia)
Assigned code: [e-ru] Russia (Federation) UF Non-Black Earth Region (Russia)
- Norfolk Island
Assigned code: [u-at] Australia
- North Africa
→ Africa, North
- North America [n]
- North Atlantic Ocean [ln]
- North Borneo
→ Sabah
- North Carolina [n-us]
- North Caucasus (Russia)
→ Caucasus, Northern (Russia)
- North Central States
→ Middle West
- North Dakota [n-us]
- North Korea
→ Korea (North)
- North Pacific Ocean [pn]
UF Pacific Ocean, North
- North Pole
→ Arctic regions
- North Sea
Assigned code: [ln] North Atlantic Ocean
- North Vietnam
→ Vietnam
- Northeast (U.S.)
→ Northeastern States
- Northeast Africa
→ Africa, Northeast
- Northeast Passage
Assigned code: [r] Arctic regions
- Northeastern States [n-us]
UF Northeast (U.S.)
- Northern Australia [u-at]
[Coded [u-at] (Australia) before September 2005] UF Australia, Northern
- Northern Canada
→ Canada, Northern
- Northern Caucasus (Russia)
→ Caucasus, Northern (Russia)
- Northern Europe
→ Europe, Northern
- Northern Germany
→ Germany, Northern
- Northern Hemisphere [xb]
- Northern Ireland [e-uk]
UF Ireland, Northern
- Northern Mariana Islands
→ Mariana Islands
- Northern Rhodesia
→ Zambia
- Northern Russia
→ Russia, Northern
- Northern Samar (Philippines)
Assigned code: [a-ph] Philippines
- Northern Soviet Union
→ Russia, Northern
- Northern Territory [u-at]
- Northwest (U.S.)
[Coded [n-usw] (Northwest (U.S.)) before Mar. 1988] → Northwest, Pacific
- Northwest, Canadian
Assigned code: [n-cn] Canada UF Canadian Northwest West (Canada)
- Northwest, Old
Assigned code: [n-us] Middle West
- Northwest, Pacific
Assigned code: [n-us] West (U.S.) and if appropriate [n-cn] British Columbia UF Northwest (U.S.) Pacific Northwest
- Northwest Africa
→ Africa, Northwest
- Northwest Passage
Assigned code: [r] Arctic regions
- Northwest Territories [n-cn]
- Northwestern Soviet Union
→ Soviet Union, Northwestern
- Northwestern States
Assigned code: [n-us] Middle West [n-us] West (U.S.)
- Norway [e-no]
- Norwegian Sea
Assigned code: [ln] North Atlantic Ocean
- Nova Scotia [n-cn]
- Nunavut [n-cn]
- Nyasaland
→ Malawi
- Ocean Island (Kiribati)
→ Banaba
- Oceania [po]
UF Oceanica
- Oceania, French
→ French Polynesia
- Oceanica
→ Oceania
- Ohio [n-us]
- Ohio River [n-us]
- Okinawa Island (Japan)
[Coded [a-ok] (Okinawa) before 1984] Assigned code: [a-ja] Japan
- Oklahoma [n-us]
- Oman [a-mk]
UF Muscat and Oman
- Oman, Gulf of
Assigned code: [au] Arabian Sea UF Gulf of Oman
- Ontario [n-cn]
- Oregon [n-us]
- Orient
Assigned code: [a] Asia UF East
- Orkney (Scotland)
Assigned code: [e-uk] Scotland
- Outer Mongolia
→ Mongolia
- Outer space [zo]
UF Space, Outer
- Ozark Mountains
Assigned code: [n-us] Arkansas [n-us] Missouri [n-us] Oklahoma
- Pacific and Mountain States
→ West (U.S.)
- Pacific Area
Assigned code: [p] Pacific Ocean
- Pacific Coast (North America)
Assigned code: [n] North America
- Pacific Island Dependencies of the United States
→ United States Miscellaneous Pacific Islands
- Pacific Islands (Ter.)
→ Pacific Islands (Trust Territory)
- Pacific Islands (Trust Territory)
Assigned code: [poup] United States Miscellaneous Pacific Islands UF Pacific Islands (Ter.) Trust Territory of the Pacific Islands
- Pacific Northwest
→ Northwest, Pacific
- Pacific Ocean [p]
- Pacific Ocean, North
→ North Pacific Ocean
- Pacific Ocean, South
→ South Pacific Ocean
- Pacific States
Assigned code: [n-us] California [n-us] Oregon [n-us] Washington (State)
- Pakistan [a-pk]
UF West Pakistan
- Palau [popl]
[Coded [poci] (Caroline Islands) before Mar. 1988] UF Belau Pelew Republic of Palau
- Palestine
Assigned code: [a-is] Israel [awgz] Gaza Strip [awba] West Bank
- Panama [ncpn]
- Panama Canal Zone
→ Canal Zone
- Panay Island (Philippines)
Assigned code: [a-ph] Philippines
- Pannonia
Assigned code: [e-au] Austria [e-hu] Hungary [e-yu] Yugoslavia
- Papua
Assigned code: [a-pp] Papua New Guinea
- Papua New Guinea [a-pp]
- Paracel Islands [aopf]
UF Hoàng Sa Hsi-sha Islands Xisha Islands
- Paraguay [s-py]
- Pascua Island
→ Easter Island
- Peiping (China)
→ Beijing (China)
- Peking (China)
→ Beijing (China)
- Pelew
→ Palau
- Pemba Island (Tanzania)
Assigned code: [f-tz] Tanzania UF Huthera (Tanzania)
- Pennsylvania [n-us]
- People's Democratic Republic of Algeria
→ Algeria
- People's Democratic Republic of Yemen
→ Yemen
- People's Republic of Angola
→ Angola
- People's Republic of Benin
→ Benin
- People's Republic of Bulgaria
→ Bulgaria
- People's Republic of China
→ China
- People's Republic of Croatia
→ Croatia
- People's Republic of Mozambique
→ Mozambique
- People's Socialist Republic of Albania
→ Albania
- Persia
→ Iran
- Persian Gulf [ap]
- Persian Gulf States
Assigned code: [ar] Arabian Peninsula
- Peru [s-pe]
- Pescadores Islands
Assigned code: [a-ch] Taiwan
- Philippine Islands
→ Philippines
- Philippine Sea
Assigned code: [pn] North Pacific Ocean
- Philippines [a-ph]
UF Philippine Islands
- Phoenix Islands (Kiribati)
Assigned code: [pokb] Kiribati
- Pirineos
→ Pyrenees
- Pitcairn Island [popc]
- Plata, Rio de la (Argentina nd Uruguay)
→ Rio del la Plata (Argentina and Uruguay)
- Plate River (Argentina and Uruguay)
→ Rio de la Plata (Argentina and Uruguay)
- Pleasant Island
→ Nauru
- Pluto (Planet) [zpl]
- Po Gulf (China)
→ Bo Hai (China)
- Po Hai (China)
→ Bo Hai (China)
- Pohnpei (Micronesia)
Assigned code: [pomi] Micronesia (Federated States) UF Ponape (Micronesia)
- Poland [e-pl]
- Polar regions
Assigned code: [t] Antarctica [r] Arctic regions
- Polynesia [pops]
- Polynesia, French
→ French Polynesia
- Ponape (Micronesia)
→ Pohnpei (Micronesia)
- Portugal [e-po]
- Portuguese East Africa
→ Mozambique
- Portuguese Guinea
→ Guinea-Bissau
- Portuguese Timor
→ East Timor
- Portuguese West Africa
→ Angola
- Prairie Provinces [n-cn]
- Pratas Islands
Assigned code: [a-ch] Taiwan
- Prince Edward Island [n-cn]
- Prince Edward Islands
Assigned code: [f-sa] South Africa UF Froides, Iles Iles Froides
- Prussia (Germany)
Assigned code: [e-gx] Germany
- Puerto Rico [nwpr]
- Pyrenees [ep]
UF Pirineos
- Qatar [a-qa]
- Québec (Province) [n-cn]
- Queensland [u-at]
- Qinghai Sheng (China) [a-cc]
UF Tsinghai Province (China)
- R.S.F.S.R.
→ Russia (Federation)
- Red Planet
→ Mars
- Red Sea [mr]
- Reka Amur (China and Russia)
→ Amur River (China and Russia)
- Republic of Cape Verde
→ Cape Verde
- Republic of Ireland
→ Ireland
- Republic of Palau
→ Palau
- Republic of Vanuatu
→ Vanuatu
- Republique de Guinée
→ Guinea
- Réunion [i-re]
- Rhine River [er]
- Rhode Island [n-us]
- Rhodesia
Assigned code: [f-za] Zambia [f-rh] Zimbabwe
- Rhodesia, Southern
→ Zimbabwe
- Rhodesia and Nyasaland
Assigned code: [f-mw] Malawi [f-za] Zambia [f-rh] Zimbabwe UF Federation of Rhodesia and Nyasaland
- Rift Valley
→ Great Rift Valley
- Rio de la Plata (Argentina and Uruguay) [sp]
UF La Plata River (Argentina and Uruguay) Plata, Rio de la (Argentina and Uruguay) Plate River (Argentina and Uruguay)
- Río Muni
→ Equatorial Guinea
- Rio Zambezi
→ Zambezi River
- Rocky Mountains [nr]
- Roman Empire
→ Rome
- Romania [e-rm]
UF Rumania
- Rome
Assigned code: [ff] Africa, North [e] Europe [aw] Middle East UF Roman Empire
- Ruanda-Urundi
Assigned code: [f-bd] Burundi [f-rw] Rwanda UF Rwanda-Urundi
- Rumania
→ Romania
- Russia
Assigned code: [e-ur] Soviet Union UF Russian Empire
- Russia (Federation) [e-ru]
[Coded [e-ur] (Russia (Federation)) before June 1998] UF R.S.F.S.R. Russian Republic Russian S.F.S.R. Russian Soviet Federated Socialist Republic
- Russia, Northern
[Coded [e-ur] (Russia (Federation)) before June 1998] Assigned code: [e-ru] Russia (Federation) UF Northern Russia Northern Soviet Union Soviet Union, Northern
- Russian Empire
→ Russia
- Russian Far East (Russia) [e-ur]
UF Far East (Russia) Far Eastern Region (Russia) Soviet Far East (Russia)
- Russian Republic
→ Russia (Federation)
- Russian S.F.S.R.
→ Russia (Federation)
- Russian Soviet Federated Socialist Republic
→ Russia (Federation)
- Rwanda [f-rw]
UF German East Africa
- Rwanda-Urundi
→ Ruanda-Urundi
- Ryukyu Islands
Assigned code: [a-ja] Japan
- Ryukyu Islands, Southern
[Coded [pory] (Ryukyu Islands, Southern) before 1984] Assigned code: [a-ja] Japan
- Saba (Netherlands Antilles) [nwsd]
- Sabah
Assigned code: [a-my] Malaysia UF British North Borneo North Borneo
- Sahara [fd]
UF Sahara Desert
- Sahara Desert
→ Sahara
- Sahel
Assigned code: [f] Africa
- Saint-Barthélemy
[Coded [nwsb] (Saint-Barthelemy) before Mar. 1988] Assigned code: [nwgp] Guadeloupe UF Saint Bartholomew Saint Barts St. Barthélémy
- Saint Bartholomew
→ Saint-Barthélemy
- Saint Barts
→ Saint-Barthélemy
- Saint Christopher-Nevis
→ Saint Kitts and Nevis
- Saint Barthelemy [nwsc]
- Saint Eustatius (Netherlands Antilles) [nweu]
UF Sint Eustatius (Netherlands Antilles) St. Eustatius (Netherlands Antilles) Statia (Netherlands Antilles)
- Saint Helena [lsxj]
UF St. Helena
- Saint Kitts
Assigned code: [nwxi] Saint Kitts and Nevis
- Saint Kitts and Nevis [nwxi]
UF Saint Christopher and Nevis
- Saint Kitts-Nevis-Anguilla
Assigned code: [nwxa] Anguilla [nwxi] Saint Kitts and Nevis UF St. Christopher-Nevis-Anguilla
- Saint Lawrence River
Assigned code: [n-cn] Canada [n-us] United States
- Saint Lucia [nwxk]
UF St. Lucia
- Saint Martin [nwst]
UF St. Martin
- Saint Pierre and Miquelon [n-xl]
UF Iles Saint-Pierre et Miquelon St. Pierre and Miquelon
- Saint Vincent
Assigned code: [nwxm] Saint Vincent and the Grenadines UF St. Vincent
- Saint Vincent and the Grenadines [nwxm]
- Sakha (Russia)
Assigned code: [e-ru] Russia (Federation) UF IÀkutskaíà A.S.S.R. (Russia) Yakutia (Russia)
- Sakhalin Ula (China and Russia)
→ Amur River (China and Russia)
- Salvador
→ El Salvador
- Salvage Islands (Madeira Islands)
→ Selvagens Islands (Madeira Islands)
- Salvages (Madeira Islands)
→ Selvagens Islands (Madeira Islands)
- Samar (Philippines)
Assigned code: [a-ph] Philippines
- Samoa [pows]
UF Western Samoa
- Samoa (Islands)
→ Samoan Islands
- Samoa, American
→ American Samoa
- Samoan Islands [posh]
UF Samoa (Islands)
- San Marino [e-sm]
- Sandwich Islands, South
→ South Georgia and South Sandwich Islands
- Santa Cruz Islands (Solomon Islands)
[Coded [posc] (Santa Cruz Islands) before Mar. 1988] Assigned code: [pobp] Solomon Islands
- São Thomé e Príncipe
→ Sao Tome and Principe
- Sao Tome and Principe [f-sf]
UF São Thomé e Príncipe
- Sarawak
Assigned code: [a-my] Malaysia
- Sardinia (Italy)
Assigned code: [e-it] Italy
- Saskatchewan [n-cn]
- Saturn (Planet) [zsa]
- Saudi Arabia [a-su]
- Scandinavia [ev]
- Scotland [e-uk]
- Selvagens Islands (Madeira Islands)
Assigned code: [lnma] Madeira Islands UF Salvage Islands (Madeira Islands) Salvages (Madeira Islands)
- Senegal [f-sg]
- Serbia [e-rb]
- Seychelles [i-se]
- Shaanxi Sheng (China) [a-cc]
UF Shensi Province (China)
- Shan States
Assigned code: [a-br] Burma
- Shandong Sheng (China) [a-cc]
UF Shantung Province (China)
- Shanghai (China) [a-cc]
- Shansi Province (China)
→ Shanxi Sheng (China)
- Shantung Province (China)
→ Shandong Sheng (China)
- Shanxi Sheng (China) [a-cc]
UF Shansi Province (China)
- Shensi Province (China)
→ Shaanxi Sheng (China)
- Shetland (Scotland)
Assigned code: [e-uk] Scotland
- Shinnan Islands
→ Spratly Islands
- Si Kiang (China)
→ Xi River (China)
- Si River (China)
→ Xi River (China)
- Siam
→ Thailand
- Siam, Gulf of
→ Thailand, Gulf of
- Siberia (Russia) [e-ur]
- Siberia, Eastern (Russia) [e-ur]
UF East Siberian Region (Russia) Eastern Siberia (Russia)
- Siberia, Northeastern (Russia)
Assigned code: [e-ur] Siberia (Russia)
- Siberia, Northwestern (Russia)
[e-ur] Siberia (Russia)
- Siberia, Western (Russia) [e-ur]
UF Western Siberia (Russia)
- Sichuan Sheng (China) [a-cc]
UF Szechwan Province (China)
- Sicily (Italy)
Assigned code: [e-it] Italy
- Sierra Leone [f-sl]
- Sikkim (India)
[Coded [a-sk] (Sikkim) before Mar. 1988] Assigned code: [a-ii] India
- Singapore [a-si]
- Sinkiang Uighur Autonomous Region (China)
→ Xinjiang Uygur Zizhiqu (China)
- Sint Eustatius (Netherlands Antilles)
→ Saint Eustatius (Netherlands Antilles)
- Sint Maarten [nwsn]
- Skagerrak (Denmark and Norway)
Assigned code: [ln] North Atlantic Ocean
- Slovak Socialist Republic (Czechoslovakia)
→ Slovakia
- Slovakia [e-xo]
[Coded [e-cs] (Czechoslovakia) before May 1993] UF Slovak Socialist Republic (Czechoslovakia)
- Slovenia [e-xv]
[Coded [e-yu] (Yugoslavia) before Oct. 1992]
- Snowbelt States
Assigned code: [n-us] United States UF Frostbelt (U.S.)
- Society Islands (French Polynesia)
Assigned code: [pofp] French Polynesia
- Socotra (Yemen)
[Coded [i-xo] (Socotra Island) before Mar. 1988; Coded [a-ys] (Yemen (People's Democratic Republic) before Oct. 1992] Assigned code: [a-ye] Yemen UF Sokotra (Yemen)
- Sokotra (Yemen)
→ Socotra (Yemen)
- Solar system [zs]
- Solomon Islands [pobp]
[Coded also [posn] (Solomon Islands) before Mar. 1988] UF British Solomon Islands
- Somali Republic
→ Somalia
- Somalia [f-so]
UF British Somaliland Italian Somaliland Somali Republic
- Somaliland, French
→ Djibouti
- Song Tíên Giang
→ Mekong River
- Songhai Empire
Assigned code: [f-ml] Mali [f-ng] Niger [f-nr] Nigeria
- South Africa [f-sa]
UF Africa, South Union of South Africa
- South America [s]
- South Arabia, Federation of
→ Federation of South Arabia
- South Asia [az]
UF Asia, South
- South Atlantic Ocean [ls]
- South Atlantic States
Assigned code: [n-us] Southern States UF Atlantic States, South
- South Australia [u-at]
- South Carolina [n-us]
- South China Sea [ao]
- South Dakota [n-us]
- South Georgia and South Sandwich Islands [lsxs]
[Coded [lsfk] (Falkland Islands) before Oct. 1992] UF Sandwich Islands, South South Sandwich Islands
- South Korea
→ Korea (South)
- South Orkney Islands
Assigned code: [lsfk] Falkland Islands
- South Pacific Ocean [ps]
UF Pacific Ocean, South
- South Pole
→ Antarctica
- South Sandwich Islands
[Coded [lsfk] (Falkland Islands) before Oct. 1992] → South Georgia and South Sandwich Islands
- South Shetland Islands (Antarctica)
[Coded [lsfk] (Falkland Islands) before Mar. 1998] Assigned code: [t] Antarctica
- South Sudan [f-sd]
- South Vietnam
[Coded [a-vs] (Viet Nam, South) before Mar. 1988] → Vietnam (Republic)
- South-West Africa
→ Namibia
- Southeast Asia
→ Asia, Southeastern
- Southeastern Asia
→ Asia, Southeastern
- Southeastern Europe
→ Balkan Peninsula
- Southern Africa
→ Africa, Southern
- Southern Cameroons
→ Cameroon
- Southern Europe
→ Europe, Southern
- Southern Germany
→ Germany, Southern
- Southern Hemisphere [xc]
- Southern Rhodesia
→ Zimbabwe
- Southern Soviet Union
→ Soviet Union, Southern
- Southern States [n-us]
- Southern Yemen
→ Yemen
- Southwest, New [n-us]
- Southwest, Old
Assigned code: [n-us] Southern States
- Southwestern States
Assigned code: [n-us] Southern States [n-us] Southwest, New
- Soviet Central Asia
→ Asia, Central
- Soviet Far East (Russia)
[Coded [e-ur] (Soviet Central Asia) before 1994] → Russian Far East (Russia)
- Soviet Union [e-ur]
UF Commonwealth of Independent States countries Former Soviet republics U.S.S.R.
- Soviet Union, Northern
→ Russia, Northern
- Soviet Union, Northwestern [e-ur]
UF Northwestern Soviet Union
- Soviet Union, Southern
Assigned code: [e-ur] Soviet Union UF Southern Soviet Union
- Soviet Union, Western
Assigned code: [e-ur] Soviet Union UF Western Soviet Union
- Spain [e-sp]
- Space, Outer
→ Outer space
- Spanish Guinea
→ Equatorial Guinea
- Spanish Main
Assigned code: [cc] Caribbean Area
- Spanish North Africa [f-sh]
UF Spanish Territories in Northern Morocco
- Spanish Sahara
→ Western Sahara
- Spanish Territories in Northern Morocco
→ Spanish North Africa
- Spitsbergen Island (Norway)
Assigned code: [lnsb] Svalbard (Norway) UF West Spitsbergen (Norway)
- Spratly Islands [aoxp]
UF Nansha Islands Shinnan Islands
- Sri Lanka [a-ce]
UF Ceylon
- St. Barthélémy
→ Saint-Barthélemy
- St. Christopher-Nevis-Anguilla
→ Saint Kitts-Nevis-Anguilla
- St. Eustatius (Netherlands Antilles)
→ Saint Eustatius (Netherlands Antilles)
- St. Helena
→ Saint Helena
- St. Lucia
→ Saint Lucia
- St. Martin
→ Saint Martin
- St. Pierre and Miquelon
→ Saint Pierre and Miquelon
- St. Vincent
→ Saint Vincent
- Statia (Netherlands Antilles)
→ Saint Eustatius (Netherlands Antilles)
- Strait of Gibraltar
→ Gibraltar, Strait of
- Straits Settlements
Assigned code: [a-my] Malaysia [a-si] Singapore
- Sub-Saharan Africa
→ Africa, Sub-Saharan
- Sudan [f-sj]
UF Anglo-Egyptian Sudan
- Sudan (Region) [fn]
- Sudan, French
→ Mali
- Suez Canal (Egypt) [fu]
- Sulawesi (Indonesia)
→ Celebes (Indonesia)
- Sumatra (Indonesia)
Assigned code: [a-io] Indonesia
- Sun [zsu]
- Sunbelt States
Assigned code: [n-us] Southern States [n-us] Southwest, New and if appropriate [n-us] Hawaii
- Sunda Islands, Lesser (Indonesia and East Timor)
→ Lesser Sunda Islands (Indonesia and East Timor)
- Surinam
→ Suriname
- Suriname [s-sr]
UF Dutch Guiana Guiana, Dutch Surinam
- Svalbard (Norway) [lnsb]
- Swan Islands (Honduras) [nwsv]
- Swaziland [f-sq]
- Sweden [e-sw]
- Switzerland [e-sz]
- Syria [a-sy]
- Szechwan Province (China)
→ Sichuan Sheng (China)
- T.A.A.F.
→ Terres australes et antarctiques françaises
- Tadzhik Soviet Socialist Republic
→ Tajikistan
- Taiwan [a-ch]
UF Formosa
- Tajik S.S.R.
→ Tajikistan
- Tajikistan [a-ta]
[Coded [e-ur] (Tajikistan) before June 1998] UF Tadzik Soviet Socialist Republic Tajik S.S.R.
- Tanganyika
Assigned code: [f-tz] Tanzania
- Tangier (Morocco)
Assigned code: [f-mr] Morocco
- Tanzania [f-tz]
UF German East Africa
- Tasmania [u-at]
- Tennessee [n-us]
- Terres australes et antarctiques françaises [i-fs]
UF French Southern and Antarctic Lands French Southern Indian Ocean Islands Indian Ocean Islands, French T.A.A.F.
- Texas [n-us]
- Thailand [a-th]
UF Siam
- Thailand, Gulf of [af]
UF Gulf of Thailand Siam, Gulf of
- Thian Shan
→ Tien Shan
- Third World
→ Developing countries
- Tian Shan
→ Tien Shan
- Tianjin (China) [a-cc]
UF Tientsin (China)
- Tibesti Mountains
Assigned code: [f-cd] Chad [f-ly] Libya [f-ng] Niger
- Tibet (China) [a-cc]
UF Tibetan Autonomous Region (China)
- Tibetan Autonomous Region (China)
→ Tibet (China)
- Tien Mountains
→ Tien Shan
- Tien Shan [at]
UF Thian Shan Tian Shan Tien Mountains
- Tientsin (China)
→ Tianjin (China)
- Timor, East
→ East Timor
- Timor, Portuguese
→ East Timor
- Timor Island (Indonesia and East Timor)
Assigned code: [a-io] Indonesia [a-em] East Timor
- Timor Sea
Assigned code: [i] Indian Ocean
- Timor Timur
→ East Timor
- Tobago
Assigned code: [nwtr] Trinidad and Tobago
- Togo [f-tg]
UF French Togoland Togoland (French)
- Togoland
Assigned code: [f-gh] Ghana [f-tg] Togo
- Togoland (British)
Assigned code: [f-gh] Ghana UF British Togoland
- Togoland (French)
→ Togo
- Tokelau [potl]
UF Union Islands
- Tonga [poto]
UF Friendly Islands Tonga Islands
- Tonga Islands
→ Tonga
- Torres Strait Islands (Qld.)
Assigned code: [u-at] Queensland
- Transcaucasia
Assigned code: [a-ai] Armenia (Republic) [a-aj] Azerbaijan [a-gs] Georgia (Republic)
- Transjordan
→ Jordan
- Trinidad
Assigned code: [nwtr] Trinidad and Tobago
- Trinidad and Tobago [nwtr]
- Tristan da Cunha [lstd]
- Trobriand Islands (Papua New Guinea)
Assigned code: [a-pp] Papua New Guinea
- Tropics [w]
- Trucial States
→ United Arab Emirates
- Truk (Micronesia)
→ Chuuk (Micronesia)
- Trust Territory of the Pacific Islands
→ Pacific Islands (Trust Territory)
- Tsinghai Province (China)
→ Qinghai Sheng (China)
- Tuamotu Archipelago (French Polynesia)
Assigned code: [pofp] French Polynesia
- Tubuai Islands (French Polynesia)
→ Austral Islands (French Polynesia)
- Tunisia [f-ti]
- Turkey [a-tu]
UF Asia Minor
- Turkmen S.S.R.
→ Turkmenistan
- Turkmenistan [a-tk]
[Coded [e-ur-tk] (Turkmenistan) before June 1998] UF Turkmen S.S.R.
- Turks and Caicos Islands [nwtc]
UF Caicos Islands
- Tuvalu [potv]
[Coded [pogn] (Gilbert and Ellice Islands) before Mar. 1988] UF Ellice Islands
- U.S.S.R.
→ Soviet Union
- Ubangi Shari
→ Central African Republic
- Uganda [f-ug]
- Ukraine [e-un]
[Coded [e-ur-un] (Ukraine) before June 1998]
- Underdeveloped areas
→ Developing countries
- Union Islands
→ Tokelau
- Union of South Africa
→ South Africa
- United Arab Emirates [a-ts]
UF Trucial States
- United Arab Republic
Assigned code: [f-ua] Egypt [a-sy] Syria
- United Kingdom
→ Great Britain
- United Kingdom Miscellaneous Island Dependencies
→ Great Britain Miscellaneous Island Dependencies
- United States [n-us]
- United States Miscellaneous Caribbean Islands [nwuc]
UF Caribbean Island Dependencies of the United States Island Dependencies of the United States in the Caribbean
- United States Miscellaneous Pacific Islands [poup]
Includes American Samoa, Guam, Pacific Islands (Trust Territory) treated collectively UF Island Dependencies of the United States in the Pacific Pacific Island Dependencies of the United States
- Upper Volta
→ Burkina Faso
- Ural Mountains (Russia) [e-ur]
- Uranus (Planet) [zur]
- Uruguay [s-uy]
- Utah [n-us]
- Uvea Island (Wallis and Futuna Islands)
Assigned code: [powf] Wallis and Futuna Islands
- Uzbek S.S.R.
→ Uzbekistan
- Uzbekistan [a-uz]
[Coded [e-ur-uz] (Uzbekistan) before June 1998] UF Uzbek S.S.R.
- Vanuatu [ponn]
UF New Hebrides Republic of Vanuatu
- Vatican City [e-vc]
UF Holy See
- Venezuela [s-ve]
- Venus (Planet) [zve]
- Vermont [n-us]
- Victoria [u-at]
- Vietnam [a-vt]
[Coded [a-vn] (Vietnam, North) before Mar. 1988] UF North Vietnam Vietnam, North
- Vietnam (Republic)
[Coded [a-vs] (Viet Nam, South) before Mar. 1988] Assigned code: [a-vt] Vietnam UF South Vietnam Vietnam, South
- Vietnam, North
→ Vietnam
- Vietnam, South
→ Vietnam (Republic)
- Virgin Islands
[Coded [nwvr] (Virgin Islands) before Mar. 1988] → British Virgin Islands Virgin Islands of the United States
- Virgin Islands (American)
→ Virgin Islands of the United States
- Virgin Islands (Danish)
→ Virgin Islands of the United States
- Virgin Islands (Great Britain)
→ British Virgin Islands
- Virgin Islands (Presidency)
→ British Virgin Islands
- Virgin Islands, British
→ British Virgin Islands
- Virgin Islands of the United States [nwvi]
UF Virgin Islands Virgin Islands (American) Virgin Islands (Danish)
- Virginia [n-us]
- Volga River (Russia) [e-ur]
- Volgo-Viatskii Region (Russia)
[Coded [e-urv] (Volgo-Viatskii Region, RSFSR) before Mar. 1988] Assigned code: [e-ru] Russia (Federation)
- Volta River (Ghana) [fv]
- Wake Island [powk]
- Wales [e-uk]
- Wallis and Futuna Islands [powf]
- Washington (D.C.) [n-us]
UF District of Columbia
- Washington (State) [n-us]
- Washington Region
Assigned code: [n-us] Maryland [n-us] Virginia [n-us] Washington (D.C.)
- West (Canada)
→ Northwest, Canadian
- West (U.S.) [n-us]
UF Far West (U.S.) Pacific and Mountain States Western States (U.S.)
- West Africa
→ Africa, West
- West Africa, Portuguese
→ Angola
- West Bank [awba]
[Coded [a-is] (Israel) and/or [a-jo] (Jordan) before Mar. 1988] UF Judaea and Samaria West Bank of the Jordan River
- West Bank of the Jordan River
→ West Bank
- West Berlin
→ Berlin (Germany)
- West Germany
for the western part of Germany: → Germany (West)
- for Germany as a whole:
→ Germany
- West Indies [nw]
UF Antilles, Greater Greater Antilles Indies, West
- West Indies, Dutch
→ Netherlands Antilles
- West Indies, French
Assigned code: [nwla] Antilles, Lesser UF French West Indies
- West Irian
→ Irian Jaya (Indonesia)
- West New Guinea
→ Irian Jaya (Indonesia)
- West Pakistan
→ Pakistan
- West River (China)
→ Xi River (China)
- West Spitsbergen (Norway)
→ Spitsbergen Island (Norway)
- West Virginia [n-us]
- Western Australia [u-at]
- Western Canada
→ Canada, Western
- Western Europe
→ Europe, Western
- Western Hemisphere [xd]
- Western Sahara [f-ss]
UF Spanish Sahara
- Western Samar (Philippines)
Assigned code: [a-ph] Philippines
- Western Samoa
→ Samoa
- Western Siberia (Russia)
→ Siberia, Western (Russia)
- Western Soviet Union
→ Soviet Union, Western
- Western States (U.S.)
→ West (U.S.)
- White Russia
→ Belarus
- Wight, Isle of (England)
→ Isle of Wight (England)
- Windward Islands [nwwi]
- Wisconsin [n-us]
- Woodlark Islands (Papua New Guinea)
Assigned code: [a-pp] Papua New Guinea
- Wyoming [n-us]
- Xi River (China) [a-cc]
UF Hsi Chiang (China) Si Kiang (China) Si River (China) West River (China)
- Xinjiang Uygur Zizhiqu (China) [a-cc]
UF Hsin-chiang-wei-wy-erh tzu chin ch'ü (China) Sinkiang Uighur Autonomous Region (China)
- Xisha Islands
→ Paracel Islands
- Yakutia (Russia)
→ Sakha (Russia)
- Yangtze River (China) [a-cc]
UF Chang Chiang (China) Long River (China)
- Yap (Micronesia)
Assigned code: [pomi] Micronesia (Federated States)
- Yellow River (China) [a-cc]
UF Hoang Ho (China) Huang Ho (China) Hwang Ho (China)
- Yellow Sea [ay]
UF Huang Hai Kwang Sea
- Yemen [a-ye]
UF Arab Republic of Yemen People's Democratic Republic of Yemen Southern Yemen Yemen Arab Republic
- Yemen (People's Democratic Republic)
[Coded [a-ys] (Yemen (People's Democratic Republic) before Oct. 1992) → Yemen
- Yemen Arab Republic
→ Yemen
- Yugoslavia [e-yu]
[Includes Serbia and Montenegro] UF Former Yugoslav republics
- Yukon Territory [n-cn]
- Yunnan Province (China)
→ Yunnan Sheng (China)
- Yunnan Sheng (China) [a-cc]
UF Yunnan Province (China)
- Zaire
→ Congo (Democratic Republic)
- Zambezi River [fz]
UF Rio Zambezi
- Zambia [f-za]
UF Northern Rhodesia
- Zanzibar
Assigned code: [f-tz] Tanzania
- Zhejiang Sheng (China) [a-cc]
UF Chekiang Province (China)
- Zimbabwe [f-rh]
UF Rhodesia, Southern Southern Rhodesia