眞珠조개 (pinctada fucata)의 稚貝生産 및 養殖에 關한 環境學的 硏究2, 天然採苗와 越冬飼育 = Environmental studies on the culture and the spat production of pearl oyster, (The)seed collection in natural habitat and the wintering
표제/저자사항 眞珠조개 (pinctada fucata)의 稚貝生産 및 養殖에 關한 環境學的 硏究2, 天然採苗와 越冬飼育 = Environmental studies on the culture and the spat production of pearl oyster, (The)seed collection in natural habitat and the wintering / 卞忠圭, 盧暹, 全得山
형태사항 p. 57-64; 26 cm
주기사항 수록자료: 硏究學報-濟州大學校 海洋硏究所. 濟州大學校 海洋資原硏究所. 제10권(1986년 10월), p. 57-64 10<57 상세보기 ISSN 1225-5734
저자: 변충규, Coll. Ocean Sciences, Cheju National Univ
저자: 노섬, Coll. Ocean Sciences, Cheju National Univ
저자: 전득산, Coll. Ocean Sciences, Cheju National Univ
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