Distribution and properties of intertidal surface sediments of Kyeonggi bay, west coast of Korea = 경기만 조간대 표층퇴적물의 분포와 특성
표제/저자사항 Distribution and properties of intertidal surface sediments of Kyeonggi bay, west coast of Korea = 경기만 조간대 표층퇴적물의 분포와 특성 / Chang-bok Lee, Hong-rhyong Yoo, Kyung-soo Park
형태사항 p. 277-289 ; 26 cm
주기사항 수록자료: 한국해양학회지. 韓國海洋學會. 27권 4호(1992년 12월), p. 277-289 27:4<277 상세보기 ISSN 1225-1283
저자: Chang-bok Lee, Department of Oceanography, Seoul National University
저자: Hong-rhyong Yoo, Geological Oceanography Laboratory
저자: Kyung-soo Park, Environmental Laboratory, Korea Ocean Research and Development Institute
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