Calculation of the dipole moments for trigonal bipyramidal complexes = Trigonal bipyramid 구조를 갖는 착물의 쌍극자모멘트의 계산
표제/저자사항 Calculation of the dipole moments for trigonal bipyramidal complexes = Trigonal bipyramid 구조를 갖는 착물의 쌍극자모멘트의 계산 / Sangwoon Ahn, Ja Hong Kim, Kee Hag Lee, Gap Choul Shin
형태사항 p. 18-23 ; 26 cm
주기사항 수록자료: 대한화학회지. 대한화학회. 26권 1호(1982년 2월), p. 18-23 26:1<18 상세보기 ISSN 1017-2548
저자: Sangwoon Ahn, Department of Chemistry, Jeon Bug National University
저자: Ja Hong Kim, Department of Chemistry, Jeon Bug National University
저자: Kee Hag Lee, Department of Chemistry, Won Kwang University
저자: Gap Choul Shin, Department of Science Education, Gyeong Sang National University
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