Practice patterns of multidisciplinary team meetings in Korean cancer care and patient satisfaction with this approach
표제/저자사항 Practice patterns of multidisciplinary team meetings in Korean cancer care and patient satisfaction with this approach / 맹치훈 안희경 [1980-] 오성용 [1972-] 임승택 김봉석 김도연
발행사항 대한내과학회, 2020
형태사항 PDF11 p.
주기사항 한국연구재단 제공 KCI 등재(후보)학술지임
수록자료: Korean Journal of Internal Medicine Vol.35 no.1 p. 205-214 ISSN 1226-3303
표준번호/부호 DOI  https://doi.org/10.3904/kjim.2019.189
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