산화물 분산체가 포함된 Ni-3, 6, 9wt% Cr 합금의 산화기구 = (The)oxidation mechanism of Ni-3, 6, 9wt% Cr alloys containing stable oxide dispersions
표제/저자사항 산화물 분산체가 포함된 Ni-3, 6, 9wt% Cr 합금의 산화기구 = (The)oxidation mechanism of Ni-3, 6, 9wt% Cr alloys containing stable oxide dispersions / 임한진, 강성군, 박상환
형태사항 p. 20-30: 삽도; 26 cm
주기사항 수록자료: 한국부식학회지. 한국부식학회. 21권 1호(1992년 3월), p. 20-30 21:1<20 상세보기 ISSN 0253-312X
저자: 임한진, Dept. of Materials Engineering, Hanyang University
저자: 강성군, Dept. of Materials Engineering, Hanyang University
저자: 박상환, Structural Ceramics Lab., Korea Institute of Science and Technology
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