The fearless organization : creating psychological safety in the workplace for learning, innovation, and growth
표제/저자사항 The fearless organization : creating psychological safety in the workplace for learning, innovation, and growth / Amy C. Edmondson
발행사항 Hoboken, New Jersey : Wiley, [2019]
형태사항 xxi, 233 pages : illustrations ; 24 cm
주기사항 Includes index
번역자료 : 두려움 없는 조직 : 심리적 안정감은 어떻게 조직의 학습, 혁신, 성장을 일으키는가 ISBN 9791130625867
표준번호/부호 ISBN 9781119477242 (hardcover)
ISBN 1119477247 (hardcover)
ISBN 9781119477228 (Adobe PDF)
ISBN 1119477220 (Adobe PDF)
ISBN 9781119477266 (ePub)
ISBN 1119477263 (ePub)
분류기호 듀이십진분류법-> 658.3
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